Why Missions?
Missions is what we are called to do as followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus said that we are to “Go and make disciples” in Matthew 28:19. Missions starts right where we are, for us that is right here at McNeese, but it also branches out to the ends of the Earth!
Where Do I Go?
Start where you are now. If we can not serve Jesus faithfully where we are now, then what makes us think that we tell other people to serve Him where they are? So start where you are, and then go from there! Drop by the BCM Office to see where we will be sending teams this year.
How Do I Pay For It?
There are several different ways that you can pay for the trip. Most students pay for the trip through fundraising. Stop by the BCM for some fundraising ideas. Other students are blessed with enough money to pay for it outright. Don’t ever let money be the reason for not going.